Sunday, October 13, 2013


Teachers are really wonderful people; they take care of us when we are in school which is our second home. Here, they take care of us like we are their own, teach us for the better of our future.
       They teach us so that we become smart and not be left out by the others, guide us and give us advice when we fell troubled. And that are some reasons we call them HEROES.
       Teachers take care of us like their own, that’s true, but they also take care of us like their friends. They treat us like their BARKADA and BEST FRIENDS. They share their stories that they encountered in their life and we might be encountering in our lives and give some tips for us to solve it and become stronger like they did.
       Those are our teachers, they don’t just teach us but also they guide us and give us advices that can help us in the future.


        Here in our modern days, we also have our modern heroes. But really, what is a hero?
        When I was child, I thought heroes were just people with super powers like Superman, Darna, Captain Barbell, Elasticman and other heroes that can be seen in television. And based in the dictionary hero is a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability.
        But base from my understandings now, we are all heroes because we help others, especially when they are in danger. We help them with no exchange or payment. We help them by giving them our support. We help them by believing in them and with what we do. We help them because we want them to not give up and we want to be with them and guide them ‘till they can be on their own.
        That is why we are heroes, and in this modern day, we are the MODERN DAY HEROES.

NATUREADY: Unravel the causes. Build the solution. Empower science clubbers to action.

       What is science? What does science do to us?
       Science is one of our basic subjects that we have and have been learning. And in science there are many branches that connect to nature, life and others.
 Science is important to our lives, why? Because with this we gain knowledge about life, world, matter and other things that involves us all.
Now, that there are many problems that our planet is encountering, problems that were made by us. Cutting trees, throwing garbage’s in our surroundings, using too much appliances and vehicles, burning of plastics and other materials that makes us sick, and other things that makes our environment unbalance. And these acts makes the Earth suffer, Climate Change, El Niño, La Niña and other climates.

And since we know the causes and effects of the bad things that we do to our environment, we should also know the things that can help us reduce this problems. RRR; reduce reuse recycle, this one of the solutions that can help us, especially with our garbage’s.